Terms and conditions of use

Secure Transactions

The online transactions via debit and credit cards in merinathebrand.com are processed via a secure transaction page of paypal. The customers that choose to make the payment of their order online are redirected to a secure page of paypal, where they are requested to input their card details in order to complete the transaction. paypal ensures the protection of your personal details by using all the required encryption protocols.


Like most sites on the web, merinathebrand.com also uses cookies in order to recognize the user and offer personalized services.


Personal data of customers are used under the law 2472/97 exclusively for the execution and receipt of their orders, the personalized services and export statistics data will not be forwarded to third parties, except cooperating with the capelo.gr business where personal customer data are sent to the mission in this promotional material and personalized offers. The client gives the present consent to the storage and processing of personal data by the merinathebrand.com for enforcement purposes and proof of orders, providing personalized services and export statistics and the transmission in cooperating with merinathebrand.com businesses to send in this promotional material and personalized offers. The client has the right to have access to all information he has given us (access no. 12 n. 2472/97) and to raise any objections to the processing of data concerning him (right of objection no. 13 n. 2472/97 ). For the use of the right to object to the processing of data can be obtained from Mr. Toky Andrian +30 2109965461, info@merinathebrand.com